Sea Themed Sugar Cookies
We have been learning quite a bit about various sea creatures, including molluscs, cephalopods and bony fish particularly seahorses and sometimes I find it really difficult to find edible projects to go with our topics but the one thing that always works is making sugar cookies and buying whatever themed cookie cutters that are needed and that is what I have been doing a lot of! So here I just bought mollusc, octopus & seahorse cookie cutters, used my favourite sugar cookie recipe and we've made our themed edible treats and I know i will be making these a lot more this coming year as we learn about more animals.
Sea Themed Sugar Cookies

What You'll Need:
- Cookie cutters of various sea creatures
- Sugar cookies using one of my favourite recipes
- Icing Sugar, Golden Syrup
- edible lustre
- paintbrushes
What To Do:
1. Make your sugar cookies according to the recipe and then use your cookie cutters to make your shapes. Bake.

2. Next, make your frosting by mixing 1 cup icing sugar with 1-2 tablespoons of golden syrup. Add more syrup to make it runnier, more sugar to make it less so. Then cover your cookies. Let harden for a little while.

3. Now this is the part the kids really love: painting the cookies with edible lustre! I think this really works well with the sea themed creatures as the colours we use are metallic and shiny. All you need to do is add a little bit of water (just a few drops) to a little bit of your lustre and your all set to paint!