Easy Yarn Rainbows & Macrame Feathers & Leaves

We love rainbows in this house and this was such a sweet little project that was easy for little hands to do and it didn't take very long either so it was almost instant gratification. We ended up making this rainbow after a somewhat unsuccessful attempt at making macramé feathers (although Nixie really loved them!) and to make this rainbow we used the exact same knots as we did for the feathers, but instead of using macramé cord we used simple yarn and instead of cutting it into a feather shape we made the strands super long so that they would just hang into the shape of a rainbow. The only cutting we did was at the very end to the bottom of the rainbow to make it even. We used about 8 strands per colour but this depends on the thickness of the yarn and the look you are after.

At first I wasn't going to include these because it didn't turn out the way I hoped but it was purely to do with the thickness of our cord. I used a 5mm cord when it should have been 1mm or 2 mm cord but we didn't have any of that on hand so made it anyways. We will try again with thinner cord. oh and that little leaf was done in the exact same way as the rainbow and the feather, the only difference is it was cut into a shape but not brushed out.

Once you've finished all of your knots and have cut it into the shape you want then it's time to unravel each bit of cord and brush it out. We used a cat flea comb which proved to be the perfect tool for it.