Using Dandelion Root as Medicine
On the same day we made our nettle crisps we also foraged some dandelion root. This is the very first time I've ever used dandelion root but I've really been wanting to learn more about making my own natural medicines. Last autumn I made my elderberry tincture using glycerin which both Nixie and Forrest loved and it's really been helpful in keeping the colds and bugs away. I haven't had a cold all season, none of us have (we've come close but just taking extra vitamin c and lots of elderberry throughout the day has done the trick.)!
We do loads of things with dandelion flowers so when I read that the best time to harvest dandelion root was in the early spring before their flowers go to bloom, I knew I had to go forage for some since I've been seeing them pop up all over the place for a little while now.

I decided to make my first tincture of the year: dandelion root .

Ashley of Practical Self Reliance has a loads of great information of the benefits of Dandelion Root and I encourage you all to head over there to learn more. But basically dandelion is a great digestive herb and and the tincture can be taken before meals to prevent gas and heartburn & it is also considered a cleansing herb that supports healthy liver and kidney function. It's also been said that traditionally it's been used to build energy and endurance.
While researching the benefits of dandelion root I also came across a recipe for Digestive Bitters with Dandelion, Orange Peel, & Ginger which calls for young dandelion leaves so I thought I'd have a go at that as well since I liked using the dandelion leaves we foraged too. I read over on her post that dandelion greens promote the flow of digestive juices, orange peel's high pectin content discourages overeating and that ginger stimulates the peristalsis action of the stomach wall which all sound like good things to me! I had actually never heard of bitters before but it seems like now I'm seeing it mentioned everywhere, I always think it's funny when that happens! If you'd like to try this just head over to the link above for loads of more information.
At the moment they are both sitting hidden away in a dark cupboard infusing itself with vodka (it's the first time I've ever made tinctures with vodka! I'm not sure I'm gonna like it). I'll be leaving it there for a couple of months before straining them and putting it into amber bottles. I used a small amount of chopped dandelion root since this is my first time making it I didn't want to make a lot but I filled up my jar about 2/3 full with the roots and covered it with vodka and for the bitters I just followed the recipe here. Once I've finished them I'll share my thoughts and what I think about them!