Welcome to forage|create|love
Welcome! I’m Ann, a home-educating mama who lives in the New Forest with my husband Kevin, our 9 year old daughter Phoenix, our 6 year old son Forrest, our cat Muad'Dib & our Great Dane, Toad.
We are all about living a creative life closely connected to nature, following our hearts and minds in the moment and discovering all the beauty & joy that surrounds us... Read More
Hydraulic Bridge experiment
Since we've been learning about bridges and I've been scouring the internet for project ideas I found this hydraulic bridge project
Davinci Bridge Experiment
After we experimented with creating a Pratt Truss Bridge, I wanted to introduce the kids to the self-supporting Davinci bridge.
Truss Bridge Experiment
We've been learning about bridges lately and one of the experiments we did was create our very own Pratt truss bridge.
Simple Machine Building Kits We Love
I'm always on the lookout for building kits & STEM kits that will enhance what we are learning about. I came across these three kits that we ended up getting which were such a great addition to our learning. Both of my kids loved them and worked on them together.
Making An Articulated Grabber
To continue with our simple machine topic, today we made this super simple Articulated Grabber to demonstrate another kind of lever. This was such an easy project to do and Forrest really loved putting it together and he especially loved playing with it after.
Moving Cinema Cardboard Project
I love when I can find creative projects that go along with what we are learning and this Moving Cinema project was one that we did when learning about the Wheel & Axle.
Dandelion Pancakes & Dandelion Fritters
It is finally Dandelion season! Along with our honey, breads, crisps & jams we wanted to try something new so this year we made Dandelion Pancakes & Dandelion Fritters and we loved both, especially the fritters! I think it's become my new favourite spring lunch.