Super Simple DIY Birdfeeder
We love to make our own birdfeeders! Our usual way is to just collect pine cones and dip them into peanut butter and then roll them into birdseeds before hanging them up outside but this time we wanted to try something new and this way worked really well and was also super simple. We did this as part of our Winter Solstice celebration which is just one of our family traditions.

Things you'll need
- 1 cup of birdseed
- two big spoonful's of melted coconut oil
- baking sheet
- baking tray
- spoon
- bowl
- cookie cutters
Add the birdseed into the bowl of melted coconut oil and mix well. Then scoop into desired cookie cutter shapes. Make hole for where the string will go with a chopstick or whatever else you have. Place into freezer to set. Then go on an adventure outside and hang them in your favourite tree for the birds! It is better if you can use natural material such as ferns or whatever else is available. We used string but made sure to come back to collect the pieces of string.