We also made some edible echinoderms: Sea Star Rice Krispy treats. We also learned that Starfish aren't really fish and that the more accepted name for them is the Sea Star so that is what we will be calling them from now on. 

Sea Star Rice Krispie Treats


What You'll Need:

  • 45g butter or margarine
  • 300g marshmallows
  • 180g Rice Krispies
  • Star cookie cutter
  • 1 cup Icing Sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla 
  • 1-2 tablespoon milk or golden syrup
  • Icing tubes (those small ones you use to decorate and write on cakes)
  • Baking tray lined with parchment paper

What To Do:

1. First make your Rice Krispie Treats by melting the butter over low heat. Then add the marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. Add the Rice Krispies and mix well.

2. Add your mixture to your baking tray lined with parchment paper and spread out and flatten. Let cool. 

3. Now using your star cookie cutter make your Sea Star shapes.

4. Make your icing by mixing 1 cup icing sugar with 1-2 tablespoons of milk or golden syrup. Add your vanilla but if you are using golden syrup don't add vanilla. Add more sugar or golden syrup depending on the consistency. Let set.

5. Now decorate your Sea Stars using your tubes of writing icing, look through books for inspiration.
