Sea Lavender Can be found along the coasts of Britain in July, August & September. Their favourite habitat are the saltmarshes, creek banks, coastal flats and generally anywhere muddy by the sea.




Sea Lavender Crown

While we were out foraging for Samphire I noticed we were surrounded by a sea of purple, Sea Lavender was all around us! I adore their pretty little flowers so I thought I'd try to make a flower crown out of it and I was quite pleased with how they turned out!


What You'll Need:

  • Bunches of Sea Lavender
  • Floral Wire
  • Scissors

How To Do It:

1. Take two pieces of your Sea Lavender and wrap your floral wire around them to stick them together. Making sure that one piece is lower than the other piece so that it can make a long strand.

2. Continue to do the same until your strand is long enough to fit around your head. At the end use more floral wire to tie it together.
