Pumpkin Lifecycle Experiment
Pumpkin Lifecycle Experiment
Is anyone else trying out the pumpkin lifecycle experiment?!? We are on day 9 now and it's decomposing super fast! This is such a wonderful experiment to actually be able to see the full lifecycle of a pumpkin and it's not even difficult to do.
What You'll Need:
- A small pumpkin, carved but with the seeds kept inside and the top kept on.
- Soil
- A bucket/container with a lid
What To Do:
1. Fill your container with about 1/4 soil
2. Add your pumpkin and close the lid.
3. Wait! And watch the process of decomposition begin to take place after just a few days.
Day 1

Day 5

Day 8. It's decomposing super fast!

Day 15. It's getting smaller and smaller!

Day 46. It's turned almost liquid like, I ended up pouring so much of the liquid out...not sure that was right or wrong but we shall see

Day 106. We have our first little seedling sprouting

Day 124. More seedlings. The last one that came I ended up killing by taking the lid of the bucket thinking that was what I should do but I was wrong so this time I'm leaving them alone !!

Day 128

Day 147. Now it's time to move it into another pot

Day 170. We now have our first flowers beginning to form

I seem to have stopped taking photos at this point but it grew several flowers. I tried transferring it outside but I didn't have space to put it into the ground and had to keep it in a pot and it never grew any pumpkins. I think that if I would have been able to have it growing directly into the earth that we would have had real success. I will have to try this again one day!