Origami Jumping Frogs
After finding our frogspawn last week (which have already hatched into tadpoles and seem to be growing by the hour!) I knew that Nixie would want to learn about frogs, We learn about them every year and what's amazing is that every year she takes in something new and her understanding of them grows in depth. I guess that's really the way it is with everything in life. The one thing that really captured her attention this time around was hearing that the males had nuptial pads on their feet to hold on to the females when mating and Nixie's immediate response was. "awww that's so sweet, they're hugging!" When I was taking photos of our little frogs she insisted I include an image of them mating, so I did.

Anyways we've been doing a lot of frog related activities and here's one of them: An actual jumping origami frog! They are so incredibly cute and really easy to do and they really do jump both her and Forrest love playing with them. I had found this video tutorial and managed to figure it out but with two kids just wanting my attention at the same time I found it went way too fast for me to follow but once I did figure it out, I realised how easy it was! But in any case I prefer photo instructions so I've tried to create my own and have added them below (this time I used actual Origami paper and cut it down to make the shape below):

Once you make the first triangle of this set then repeat all the previous steps to the other side.

and the same thing here once you've done the first side repeat on the other three sides. Then flip it over.

and yet again once you've done one side, repeat on the other side before flipping over.