Make Your Own Little Nature Moths
Nature Moths
On one of our walks we found an Oak Eggar Caterpillar which led to us learning and researching about them when we got home. Then Nixie wanted to make some Oak Eggar Moths so we made these little cuties. I love the way they turned out!

What You'll Need:
- Some twigs
- some grasses for antennae
- feathers or moss or anything else you can think of for their bodies
- thick paper
- glue gun
- markers or coloured pencils
- scissors
- books for inspiration

What To Do:
1. Firs cut out out your wings and then design them and colour them in

2. Next glue your wings to your stick
3. Then glue your feathers or moss to their bodies
4. Then glue on the antennae's and your little moth is finished!