This was probably one of our favourite topics ever as we are all a bunch of crystal loving people over here. With every topic we do, along with books and reading & watching videos etc., I try to come up with as many hands-on projects or art projects we can do together. For our crystal topic we cracked open our own geodes, made our own epsom salt crystals,  made our own edible Agates, made our own crystal gummies & rock candy although forgot to take photos so am not including it here, started a healing crystal journal, & learned how to use a crystal pendulum! 

Crystal Gummies aka Kohakutou

These delicious little gummies are a Japanese sweet treat and they are probably one of the least healthy things you can make but once you make some you just can't get enough of them! And they went perfectly with our Crystal unit. 



what you will need:

  • 12 grams Agar Agar
  • 397 grams cool water
  • 680 grams sugar
  • 1-2 tablespoon clear candy flavouring (we used raspberry)
  • 1/4 teaspoon citric acid 
  • liquid food colouring

what to do:

  1. Let the Agar Agar dissolve in your water for 5 minutes.
  2. Bring to a simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add the sugar and simmer for another 2-3 minutes
  4. put mixture into a dish, add food colouring and swirl with a toothpick.
  5. let set in the fridge for about 3 hours
  6. then cut into crystal shapes and let harden for 2-3 days on some parchment paper. it will create a lovely crust on the outside with a soft centre. 

Agate Rock Lollipops

I had seen these all over pinterest and wanted to have a go at making them. Ours didn't turn out that great but the kids still had a great time making them!



what you will need:

  • hard candies in different colours
  • parchment paper
  • baking sheet
  • lollipop sticks
  • baking tray
  • sandwich bags
  • something to smash the candies with such as a mallet

what to do:

  1. First sort each candy type into it's own bag.
  2. crush candies
  3. annoyingly I forgot to take photos of this step but all you need to do is cut a circle out of your parchment paper and fold up the edges to make a mould
  4. now decorate your moulds by filling in with your candy!
  5. bake at 200c for about 4 minutes until melted. As soon as you take them out add your lollipop stick and let cool.

Epsom Salt Crystal Rocks

over the years we have done so many Epsom salt crystal experiments but had never tried making them grow on a rock!



what you will need:

  • a cleaned rock, a flatter rock works best
  • A growing container, we just used some Tupperware that was large enough to hold the rock and growing solution
  • 3 cups Epsom Salt
  • 2 cups water
  • pot for boiling water

what to do:

  1. first you want to make the growing solution. Begin by boiling the water and adding the salt. Add a little bit of salt at a time. In order to get the crystals growing well you to saturate the water with as much epsom salt it will hold. Heating it up allows it to dissolve more salt.
  2. while the water is heating up put your rock into a growing container. Annoyingly I forgot to take a photo but all you need is a container large enough to hold your rock and deep enough to cover it with the solution.
  3. once all of the epsom salts have dissolved, your growing solution is ready to pour over your rock. Make sure you have placed your rock somewhere you won't need to move it.
  4. the last thing to do is to pour some seed crystals, sprinkle some epsom salts into the solution above your rock. they should fall through the solution and land on your rocks. The largest crystals will grow from the seed crystals.
  5. now wait. The longer you wait the bigger your crystals become.

Break Open Your Own Geode!

This is really a great little activity that I guarantee the kids will love! There's nothing more satisfying than smashing a rock and discovering treasure inside. You can purchase break your own geodes online or if you happen to live close to Charmouth you can pick some up there which is what we did!


Learn about Healing Crystals

I have always loved crystals and connecting with their healing energies and the kids seem to naturally be drawn to them. I felt it was time for her to begin her own healing crystal collection and I also got her a journal where she could write about each new crystal. I also found a couple of incredible books that are a perfect introduction for kids and Nixie definitely approved of them.
