DIY Barnacles!

We've been learning about barnacles ( such incredible little creatures!) so we had a go at making our own using some paper Mache pulp mix that I found in the cupboard. Maybe they don't really look like barnacles but I think they turned out really sweet (we did make five but our cat stepped on it and ruined it while it was drying!).


What You'll Need:

  • Paper Mache Pulp Mix
  • Water
  • Balloons
  • Baking tray
  • cling film
  • Scissors

How To Do It:

1. Make your paper Mache mix according to package instructions

2. Blow up your balloons very small


 3. Begin by adding the mixture with your hands onto the balloons starting from the bottom and up the sides so that it make a little bowl/cup shape.


4. Once you've covered enough of your balloon wrap it in clingfilm and twist at the top


5. Now let dry for a couple of days.

6. When completely dry, pop the balloon and your very own barnacle is finished!
