Beehive Printing with Bubble Wrap!
Along with making our beehive we also did some super simple beehive prints using bubble wrap! This was such a great little activity and one that Forrest really enjoyed as well. It's perfect for little ones although Forrest did love peeling of the bubble wrap off too. He's always finding new ways to use things that we make!

cardboard rolls for handles (toilet rolls or anything else you have lying around)
Cardboard pieces cut into hexagons
bubble wrap cut into hexagons
white glue
masking tape
acrylic or poster paint (we used acrylic)
1. glue the bubble wrap to the cardboard hexagon shape and then attach handle using masking tape

2.Cover stamp with paint and get creative!

I also cut out some pieces of bubble wrap into the shape of a hive and they covered this with paint and made some bees using their finger prints. Nixie loved doing this and turned the whole thing into a finger painting project. Once dry she drew the stripes, stinger (for females), wings and antennae using a thing sharpie.